Congenital Torticollis and Its Physiotherapy Management

Escrito por

Simranjeet Kaur


Torticollis in Latin word means twisted neck and was first defined by Tubby in 1912. [1] Torticollis is the postural deformity of head and neck, which may be acquired or congenital. Acquired Torticollis may be due to trauma, inflammatory, psychogenic or neoplastic. Congenital muscular Torticollis is a postural deformity of head and neck detected at birth or shortly after birth, primarily resulting from unilateral fibrosis & shortening of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle. Torticollis is also known as twisted neck. [2,3,4] The most common Physiotherapy treatment were passive stretch, handling advice, facilitation of neck muscle strength and facilitation of active cervical ROM.

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