A randomized controlled study on the efficiency of soft tissue mobilization in babies with congenital muscular torticollis

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Hilal Keklicek and Fatma Uygur

BACKROUND: Soft tissue mobilization techniques (STM) are used in clinical practice in treatment of congenital muscular
torticollis(CMT).However, little is known about its effectiveness.

OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether using STM to manage CMT in babies with mild to moderate head tilt was effective or

METHODS: Twenty-nine babies with CMT aged between 0-6 months, who had a head tilt from 5 to 20 degrees were allocated
to two groups. Both groups received a baseline home program (positioning, handling strategies, stretching and strengthening
exercises, environmental adaptations). The study group (SG) also received STM three times a week. Babies were evaluated
initially, at six weeks, at 12 weeks and for follow-up at 18 weeks with muscle function scale, head tilt and range of motion for
neck lateral flexion and rotation.

RESULTS: Both groups showed significant improvements in all measured parameters (p < 0.05). In comparison of groups,
there were differences at six weeks in favor of the SG for neck rotation (0.001) and head tilt (= 0.006); but at 12 weeks and
follow up, there were no longer any differences between the groups in any of the measured parameters.

CONCLUSIONS: STM techniques are effective in getting faster positive results in the treatment of CMT.
Keywords: Congenital muscular torticollis, pediatric physiotherapy, musculoskeleteal manipulations

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Escrito por Hilal Keklicek and Fatma Uygur