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Leia o artigo: Symptomatic asymmetry in the first six months of life: differential diagnosis

Escrito por Jacqueline Nuysink & Ingrid C. van Haastert & Tim Takken & Paul J. M. Helders

Leia o artigo: Effectiveness of pediatric integrative manual therapy in cervical movement limitation in infants with positional plagiocephaly: a randomized controlled trial

Escrito por Iñaki Pastor-Pons1,2, César Hidalgo-García1*, María Orosia Lucha-López1, Marta Barrau-Lalmolda2, Iñaki Rodes-Pastor2, Ángel Luis Rodríguez-Fernández3 and José Miguel Tricás-Moreno1

Leia o artigo: The effectiveness and safety of conservative interventions for positional plagiocephaly and congenital muscular torticollis: a synthesis of systematic reviews and guidance

Escrito por Julie Ellwood1, Jerry Draper-Rodi1 and Dawn Carnes

Leia o artigo: Screening for hip dysplasia in congenital muscular torticollis: is physical exam enough?

Escrito por Elizabeth R. A. Joiner • Lindsay M. Andras • David L. Skaggs

Leia o artigo: Congenital Torticollis and Its Physiotherapy Management

Escrito por Simranjeet Kaur

Leia o artigo: A Clinical Algorithm for Early Identification and Intervention of Cervical Muscular Torticollis

Escrito por Stephanie Nichter, DPT, PT, CCI1

Leia o artigo: Description of Mandibular Improvements in a Series of Infants With Congenital Muscular Torticollis and Deformational Plagiocephaly Treated With Physical Therapy

Escrito por Regina Fenton, RN, MSN, CRNP1,2, Susan Gaetani, PT, DPT3, Zoe MacIsaac, MD1,2, Eric Ludwick, AS, R.T. (R), (CT)4, and Lorelei Grunwaldt, MD

Leia o artigo: Transient Motor Asymmetry Among Infants With Congenital TorticollisdDescription, Characterization, and Results of Follow-Up

Escrito por Nathan Watemberg MDa,*, Anat Ben-Sasson MDa, Rachel Goldfarb

Leia o artigo: Congenital Torticollis and Saccular Dysfunction, A Case Report

Escrito por Ashley Hallberg, AuD; Robert T. Standring, MD; Syed Ahsan, MD

Leia o artigo: Congenital muscular torticollis: Early and intensive treatment is critical. A prospective study

Escrito por Aylenur Cerrah Celayir

Leia o artigo: Asymmetries of the visual system and their influence on visual performance and oculomotor dynamics

Escrito por Ómar I. Jóhannesson1,*, Jérôme Tagu2 & Árni Kristjánsson1,3

Leia o artigo: Factors influencing and long‑term effects of manual myotomy phenomenon during physiotherapy for congenital muscular torticollis

Escrito por Zhenhui Zhao1†, Hansheng Deng1†, Xin Qiu1†, Gen Tang1†, Huijia Zheng2, Fang Yang3, Futang Gao4, Zhengyu Wu5, Yuanheng Li6, Shuaidan Zeng1, Jiaxin Zhao7, Yiyuan Sun1, Ziheng Zhou1, Yu Tang1, Zhiwen Cui1, Weiqing Li1, Xiaodi Chen1, Ting Cai1, Xian Liu1, Shicheng Li1*, Qisong Yang2*, Shengping Tang1* and Zhu Xiong8*

Leia o artigo: Impact of facial asymmetry in visual perception: A 3-dimensional data analys

Escrito por Philipp Meyer-Marcotty,a Georg W. Alpers,b Antje B. M. Gerdes,c and Angelika Stellzig-Eisenhauer

Leia o artigo: The effect of postural control intervention for congenital muscular torticollis: A randomized controlled trial

Escrito por InHee Lee

Leia o artigo: A randomized controlled study on the efficiency of soft tissue mobilization in babies with congenital muscular torticollis

Escrito por Hilal Keklicek and Fatma Uygur

Leia o artigo: The Relationship Between Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and Congenital Muscular Torticollis

Escrito por Johan von Heideken MD, Daniel W. Green MS MD, Stephen W. Burke MD, Kelly Sindle PT, John Denneen MSPT, Yvonne Haglund-Akerlind MD PhD, e Roger F. Widmann MD